A loan helped purchase a sewing machine to expand her sewing business.

Martha Elina's story

Martha is a 34 year old native of Montúfar in the city of Carchi. She now lives in the city of Ibarra. She is married and has two daughters. After high school, Martha travelled to Ibarra and learned to sew as a tailor's apprentice. Over the years, she started her own business.

She currently works with a big company in the city, finishing athletic shirts. This allows her care for her family. Her husband works part time for a pest control and disinfection company. He also helps her delivering her orders.

This new loan will be used by Martha to purchase a second sewing machine because her business is growing and she has many orders to complete. This will allow her to

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

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