A loan helped to buy machinery and equipment to expand ethical wages in rural Guatemala.

Adelante Shoe Co.'s story

Adelante Shoe Co. is a leather footwear company working with artisans in Pastores, Guatemala - a town rich in leather shoe-making history, but poor in consistent job opportunities.

Through their unique approach connecting cobblers directly with customers, and an innovative production process, Adelante pays more than twice the fair trade wage requirement in Guatemala, enabling upward mobility in a country plagued by inequality.

By paying its workers above the Living Well Line, Adelante achieves two things unlike any other model: (1) ensures that a truly fair and ethical wage is calculated at the community level, AND (2) incorporates worker input directly into the definition of that wage.

In Guatemala, there is a lack of quality job opportunities for local artisan and cobbler communities. Adelante´s impact model is tied to production capacity - as the company grows, it generates more reliable and well-paying jobs for crafstmen like Cesar, Rudy, Calixto, Selvin and José (from picture #1).

This loan will enable Adelante to purchase machinery and equipment, increasing production capacity and leading to the employment of 10 more craftsmen to help meet the growing demand of Adelante shoes.

With increased capacity for production and shoe construction considered the “gold standard” in craft shoes more families will live well in Pastores – catalyzing improvements in education, health, and quality of life for the whole community.

This loan is special because:

It supports early stage social businesses that can't get a bank loan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details