This loan is aimed at low-income and financially excluded families living in remote areas of Cambodia. As part of their commitment to social performance KREDIT have set up the Vulnerable Services Unit (VSU) to provide financial and educational services to their poorest clients. They offer flexible terms and a wide variety of training services including child protection, health care, agriculture and financial literacy. By supporting this loan you are helping to empower and educate people living in underserved rural communities.
About Phillip Bank:
Philip Bank Plc., is one of Kiva?s most established partners in Southeast Asia. The organization empowers the economically-active poor and small entrepreneurs by providing inclusive financial services. Beyond loans, Phillip Bank offers complementary training in debt management, savings and budgeting to its low-income clients.
For more information on Phillip Bank, please visit its website:
If you would like to engage more with Philip Bank and its borrowers, you can also join its lending team, Phillip Bank, Cambodia.