A loan helped to purchase raw inputs and a small soap making machine.

Jacqueline's story

Jacqueline is a dynamic entrepreneur with a knack for sales. She runs a small soap and detergent manufacturing company and has already secured some large clients, including several mid-sized hotels and a new, large office complex. Jacqueline is incredibly honest and hard working.

Jacqueline is like many small business owners in Rwanda, but one difference is that she is a Burundian refugee who was forced to flee her home country about two years ago. Jacqueline has done the best she can to support herself and her family through her soap business.

Now, Jacqueline needs help to purchase a new machine and raw inputs so that she can increase her production capacity to meet her demand. This loan would go a long way in helping Jacqueline grow her business to generate more income and to hire additional employees.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees launch businesses to rebuild their lives.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details