A loan helped a member to purchase seeds and fertilizers.

Bella Maranura Group's story

The borrower belongs to the Bella Maranura communal bank. This bank is located in the district of Maranura, La Convención province and Cusco department.

The borrower, Margarita, works at her agriculture business, the borrower has farmland where she plants coffee and plantains. The borrower is a very hard-working person and, through this business, she wants to get ahead. The borrower's dream is to expand her agricultural business. The borrower is asking for the loan to purchase seeds and fertilizers.

The borrowers whose faces are covered with circles are no longer part of the Bella Maranura communal bank.

The borrowers are all grateful for the granted loan and promise to make their established payments.

In this group: Margarita, Dionisio, Eulogia, Alicia, Susana, Maria, Henry, Matilde, Zaida

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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