A loan helped a member to raise a ram to sell.

Kantiemou Group's story

Fatouma is a 52 year old Malian woman and a homemaker. She is married to a farmer and is the mother of two children who do not go to school.

She is holding the ram's horns with her hands in the group photo. Her main activity after keeping the house is raising sheep. Fatouma has operated this business for over 12 years with her own means.

Being very enterprising and courageous she buys sheep on the local market to raise for seven or eight months and then resells them at a profit. With her earnings she manages to take care of her children: their health, food and clothing which are her priorities.

In the future she would like to become financially independent creating another business along with raising sheep. This would allow her to increase her income. She hopes to receive larger loans from the institution to carry out her future projects.

In this group: Pinda, Malado, Hawa A, Hawa, Maimouna, Binta, Fatoumata, Malado, Bintou, Aissata, Fatouma, Aissata, Minata, Kadidia, Hawa

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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