A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer for cashew cultivation.

Phun Group's story

Phun is a 44-year-old married woman with three children, all of whom are students. They live in the Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. She and her husband have been farming together, growing rice and cashews, to support her family since 2007, and typically make around US$10 per day.

Phun leads a three member group to apply for a loan. As the group leader, she is going to use her loan portion to buy fertilizer. This loan will help her to have enough money to buy fertilizer for cashew cultivation, so she will be able increase her family income.

She is a pictured on the right. She hopes that she will be able to buy a hectare of farmland, build a decent house, and support her children’s studies.

In this group: Phun, Nhor, Chhay

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income rural communities with access to finance and training services.

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Lenders and lending teams

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