Mrs. Ut, 25, is a Thai ethnic woman who is married and lives with her spouse, and her children in a Thai traditional stilt house in a poor and remote area. Her son is studying in grade 2 and her daughter is looked after by kindergarten. Because of her difficult situation, she dropped out of school when she was in secondary school, so she became engaged in farming work when she was very young. Like other villagers, agricultural activities create the most income for her family. Recently, she faced a lack of capital to invest in her coffee field, so she decided to take a loan from Anh Chi Em program to buy fertilizer for coffee trees. This is the 4th time she has taken out a loan after repaying successfully 3 previous loans. She hopes that after collecting coffee she will get enough profit to cover her children's tuition fees. She dreams of giving her beloved family abundant life and the best things for her children. In the picture, Ut stands at the first from the right and wears a sky-blue T-shirt.
In this group: Dieu , Huong, Ut, No