A loan helped a member buy seeds and fertilizer wholesale.

Grupo Catavi Group's story

The communal bank “Grupo Catavi” will initiate its second cycle with Pro Mujer, as part of the Centro Focal Copacabana. The group is comprised of nine members with a board of directors lead by Francisca.

The loan will benefit the members' small businesses, including Francisca's. She currently has a business selling potatoes. She explains she decided to learn and start that business several years ago.

The loan will be used to buy seeds and fertilizer from the wholesalers of the city of La Paz to, then, farm and harvest.

This business will allow her to generate income to support her family financially, as she is married and has seven children.

In this group: Francisca , Juana , Leonardo, Francisca, Sonia, Roberta, Amalia , Porfilia, Santiago

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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