A loan helped to expand the pig pens and purchase a pig from selective breeding.

Irma's story

Irma lives in the village of Alto Puchua, in the district of Tabaconas and the province of San Ignacio, Peru. Irma is 31 years old. She has four children, ages 12, 11, 5, and 2. For some time, she and her partner have worked raising pigs, which they offer for sale. In addition, they plant and harvest coffee on a small scale. They sell the crop in the free market.

She will invest the loan in improving the pig pens and in the purchase of a pig from selective breeding. This is the second loan that she is receiving from Norandino, and she is grateful for the service offered.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps a woman entrepreneur grow her business and stabilize her income.

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