The committee called Pindoty is an active group. It is made up of 18 women who hold unity, cooperation, communication and responsibility as fundamental pillars.
One of the members of this committee is Natividad who sells her vegetable production in markets. She is an enterprising and very beautiful woman. She is grateful to be part of this group as it allows her to grow and improve her quality of living.
She is requesting this loan to be able to buy seeds and manure so she can continue with her sales as she has been doing.
In this group: Nidia, Angelina, Cyntia, Ediht, Nelida, Natividad, Nilsa, Rosana, Lina, Ramona, Evelina, Karen, Cristina, Blanca, Maria, Lourdes, Estela, Ada
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo. View original language description.