A loan helped a member to buy wholesale wool.

Puertas Del Sol Group's story

The communal association 'Puertas del Sol' will begin its 10th cycle in Pro Mujer, as part of the Panamerican Central Focus Group, it is made up of 10 member and is lead by a directive board of which Nancy is president.

The loan will benefit small micro businesses of which Nancy is a member. Currently she has a business selling blankets, something which she taught herself years ago.

The loan will be used to raise capital in order to buy wholesale wool, from the sellers in the city of La Paz, this will later be made into blankets and sold. This form of work allows her to earn enough to support her family economically, as she is a single mother with five children.

In this group: Nancy , Bethzabe , Tania , Sandra , Alberto, Susana , Martha, Judith, Yhoselin, Angelica

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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