A loan helped to buy yarn in different widths and colors in order to keep up the production of hammocks, ropes, canvas bags, etc.

Santos Rosario's story

Santos lives with her life partner and her two children, both of whom are dependent on Santos and her partner. She is a person who fights very hard and who makes yarn products such as hammocks and bags, among other articles, along with her family. They do this with the goal of generating income, with which they cover the expenses of their household. She says that she learned this work a long time ago and that she has a lot of experience to back her up.

She is asking for a loan in order to strengthen her business with the purchase of yarns of different widths and colors in order to keep up the production of hammocks, ropes, canvas bags, etc. The investment will be useful for acquiring wholesale raw material at a low cost, and also for being able to provide a good service to her customers and to fulfill their requests promptly. She hopes to have a more competitive and profitable business in order to be able to cover her family’s basic needs and to meet her financial obligations.

Her intentions are to keep working in order to succeed in remodeling her house and to help her children with their academic preparation.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It gives El Salvador's artists a chance to revive the local art of handcrafting.

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