A loan helped to buy fabric wholesale to make into goods to sell at the end of the year to meet seasonal demand.

Evelin's story

Evelin is 26 and lives with her partner and baby. She makes a living from making up children’s trousers and double bed spreads.
She does business in the “Santa Cruz” district which is known as a wholesale manufacturing area.
Evelin lives with her family in her mother’s home, where she has a room that she has fitted out as a sewing workshop. She installed a sewing machine to work on. She takes customer orders, sells wholesale and piece meal on foot in the markets and local fairs. Buying fabric is her big problem; when it runs outs and she tries to buys more the same material is not available, only something similar. Thanks to the business her family financial situation is stable; she has a good income which means she will not have trouble making the repayments. Her advantage is that she sells wholesale and retail, the disadvantage is that during the rainy season is it difficult for her to get about. Her dream is to open a shop where she can sell her garments. She wants to stock her business with fabric so she can work uninterrupted. She will buy rolls of fabric with this loan to stock up her business ready for the year end sales. This is the tenth loan that she has received from the institution during the 6 years she has been in the trade.
Evelin is asking for a loan to buy fabric wholesale which she will make up into clothes. She will sell the clothes at the end of the year to meet seasonal demand.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nic Couldrey.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers smooth their income and protect against the effects of climate change.

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