A loan helped .

Elsy's story

My name is Elsy and I am originally from Jeremie, Haiti located in the Southwest side of the island exactly where hurricane Matthew directly hit in October 2016. I competed for a full ride scholarship and a chance to study in the United States and was among 20 students selected. I studied Food Science Technology, graduated, and returned to Haiti to fulfill the requirements to reside in Haiti for two years after graduating. I came back to the United States and am in the process of completing my MBA with a concentration in strategy. While I love cooking and am aware how close friends and people who have tasted my cooking enjoy it, the difficulties, challenges, and pain I went through with my health is the biggest inspiration behind my business. My goal is to provide allergen and chemical free plant based products with rich flavors and another alternative in the kitchen while staying true to my culture and background.

This loan is special because:

It helps an ambitious female entrepreneur expand her local business and become a role model in her community.

Loan details

About Creole Enterprises LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details