A loan helped to buy more beans, cocoyams, Irish potatoes, and bananas.

Patience's story

Grace is married with five children, three of whom are below the age of 15. They live in a two bedroom house. Grace has gone through some life experiences, which she hates thinking of, including the constant occurrence of accidents and deaths in her family and ill health.

Grace joined GHAPE in 2012, and has been a member for five years. She has successfully taken and repaid the empowerment credit four times. With this loan, she will be able to buy more beans, cocoyams, Irish potatoes, and bananas, which will help to increase the size of her business, as well as her profits.

Grace thinks her business will succeed because she has been in the business for long, and has a great deal of experience, as well as a good business site. This business will help her community a lot because people will not have to go long distances to buy food stuff. Grace will use her profits to expand her business and improve her family's standard of living. She prefers taking a loan from GHAPE due to its low interest rate, repayment in installments, business skills training for members, and quick disbursement of the empowerment credit

This loan is special because:

It is coupled with multi-faceted trainings to support the poorest in Cameroon.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details