A loan helped to buy an additional wooden frame and embroidery raw materials for herself, so she can also contribute monthly income.

Samra's story

Samra is the age of 23. She is the mother of a son and daughter. She lives in the area of Lahore, Pakistan, along with her husband and children. She is pictured with her husband.

He owns a small embroidery firm at home and knits embroidery dresses. Samra also helps her husband in daily tasks and became very expert with the passage of time.

This is the reason Samra decided to buy an additional wooden frame for herself so she can knit separately and can generate additional income for her family.

Therefore, Samra has requested a Kiva loan from field partner BRAC Pakistan so that she can buy a separate wooden frame and embroidery raw materials. In this way, she can easily contribute monthly income and to their savings, as well.

She thanks Kiva and field partner BRAC Pakistan for this honorable support.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services in some of the poorest parts of Pakistan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details