A loan helped to purchase an industrial grinder and stainless steel hooks.

Yenny Marcela's story

Yeny is a 26-year-old woman full of hopes and dreams, such as having her own house, paying for her son’s education, and being a recognized and sought-after businesswoman in the area. She operates a butcher shop. It is business that she has had for approximately four years, during which time she has established herself in the area by increasing her number of customers, improving her sales location, having a larger inventory, and generating more income. Yeny wants to request a loan to purchase an industrial grinder and stainless steel hooks.

If you want to know more about the entrepreneurs and the loans from Interactuar, you can join the Lending Team called: “Friends of Interactuar Colombia”: http://www.kiva.org/team/interactuar_colombia

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps internally-displaced people in Colombia rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details