A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and pesticide to better support her farming business.

Tanghy's Group's story

Tanghy is 34 years old and a married mother of four children, only one of whom is under the age of school. She has been growing rice as the main source of income to cover her family’s living for 16 years already while her husband is working as a paid worker to make more income.

Together, they are able to save income of about 4 USD per day for their primary needs. Because weeds, insects and drought are threatening her crop, it causes her income to get lower. Now she is leading this group, which consists of three members, to seek a loan via VisionFund. Tanghy is willing to use her portion of the loan to buy fertilizer and pesticide to better support her farming business. She hopes to earn more income in order to keep supporting her children’s education.

In this group: Tanghy , Koem Eng, Narith

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details