A loan helped a member to purchase more grocery items to expand her retail business.

Sara's Group's story

Sara is a 35-year-old married woman who lives in a rural village in Svay Reang province. She is the mother of two children who are still studying in school.

For 15 years Sara has been rice cropping as the main source of her family’s income. She is also selling grocery items from her home to earn extra income.

This is Sara’s second loan cycle with VisionFund and she has paid her past loan on time. Her living conditions have improved with the help of the previous loan. Now, Sara has formed a group with two members to seek this new loan. As the group leader, she will use her portion of the loan to purchase more grocery items to expand her retail business.

With this loan, Sara hopes that her family’s business can run more smoothly and earn more income to improve her family's living condition. She especially wants to be able to support children’s studies.

In this group: Sara, Chanda

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details