A loan helped .

Coty's story

I grew up in rural Kentucky with less than 1,000 people in my town. Living in a small town provided the unique opportunity to work alongside those I grew up with. It was in these years that I learned the value of hard work and the significance of good character. Working with landscapers and farmers, I learned that businesses succeed when hard work produces quality and good character produces care. This is why I strive to lead a cleaning company that is excellent in quality and distinguished in care.

Throughout the years I have worked part-time as an entrepreneur in various capacities. I moved to Louisville in 2010 to study Counseling at Boyce College and have grown to love this great city in the years since then. In 2015 I officially launched Clean Care and have created 15 jobs for people living in Louisville. My wife Renee and I love Louisville and have a passion to see creative entrepreneurship transform this city. We live in the Beechmont community and are members of Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church.

This loan is special because:

it helps increase hiring capacity for refugees and marginalized people

Loan details

About Clean Care

Industry: Services
Years in operation: New Business
Website: cleanlouisville.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details