A loan helped .

Angela's story

I came to Oakland from Mexico, 30 years ago to find a better future. This was a hard decision because I had to leave my three babies age 1,4, and 7 back in Mexico with my parents. I worked 16 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to be able to bring my kids to the US. That was one of the hardest things I ever done, but thank God, I was able achieve success. I worked in an Italian restaurant for 15 years and after hours I cleaned houses. When I realized that the best way to be independent was to start my own business, I started selling tamales out of my trunk. It was not easy in those days. One day, a police officer hand-cuffed me, but I was determined... When my friend saw me in handcuffs, she told me not too worry that she had a place I could prepare my tamales. She was so kind and charged me very little at the time. I still work her out of the same location today. Fortunately, people loved my tamales, including Anthony Bourdain, who came to my restaurant.
In 2013, I was very sick with lymphomas, and my restaurant deteriorated. After four years I am completely cured and I am ready to relaunch my restaurant with the energy of a Guererra (Warrier Woman). I know it will not be easy but with love and support of my community, I will be able to do great things.

This loan is special because:

It empowers an entrepreneur to purchase equipment to continue expanding her food business.

Loan details

About Lupita Papuseria

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details