Conflict-affected regions exhibit the most detrimental impacts of trauma (child abuse, sexual/gender-based violence, war trauma, etc.) Unfortunately, despite having the most acute needs for trauma mitigation services, they are often the most underserved.
Global Trauma Project (GTP) was established with the mission of providing capacity-building support to local providers who are working to reduce the detrimental impacts of trauma within their communities through its evidence-informed model, “Trauma-Informed Community Empowerment” (TICE). GTP’s services have been lauded by the development community, earning them an Ashoka fellowship and partnerships with the USAID and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Previous Kiva Loan Use & Impact
GTP raised USD 50,000 on the Kiva platform in December 2016. The Kiva loan helped them train 160 participants in South Sudan who formed 30 teams and facilitated 63 trauma- awareness community workshops, reaching a total of 1,769 community members.
New loan use
GTP needs this loan in order to provide TICE services in 4 locations (Bor, Aweil, Torit and Wau) in South Sudan, an area of acute trauma-service need. Once TICE services are administered in South Sudan, the UNDP will scale the services and provide payment to GTP for their services, upon which GTP will repay Kiva lenders.
Note: GTP will be required and is expected to payback the first loan before this second loan is disbursed.