A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers, gasoline and seeds to grow her cashews faster.

Lath's Group's story

Lath lives in Mondulkiri province. She is 29 years old and married with three dependent children. She has sold grocery items for three years. To supplement the family’s income, she has also grown cashews for two years to make more money. This provides better support for her with sufficient food and sustains her lifestyle. She is able to save about $7.50 US each day from her income for her future financial needs.

Lath has been with VisionFund for two previous loans, which have helped her to boost her income so as to better her standard of living. This is another new loan for her. She is leading her group to apply for this loan. She is going to buy fertilizers, gasoline and seeds to grow her cashews faster. She hopes to harvest her cashews fruitfully so as to better her future income.

In this group: Lath , Pson

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

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