Blanca is 49 years old. She lives in a community called Araque, which is part of the Otavalo canton in the province of Imbabura, 5 minutes from San Pablo Lake. Her business is focused on raising and selling chickens, which is an activity she's been doing for more than 6 years.
Blanca is a very tenacious and enterprising woman. She took the initiative to start her own business in order to help her spouse, who became ill, which has made it impossible for him to undertake any activity that would generate income for the family.
Blanca has benefited from microloans on previous occasions and has shown herself to be responsible in fulfilling her financial obligations.
Blanca is requesting a loan to purchase more chickens in order to expand her business, as at this time the sales of chickens increases in quantity, and they go up in price. She doesn't want to miss out on this great opportunity to earn more income for her family and for her husband's medication. Additionally, the extra income will enable her to cover some additional costs that she has for her daughters, who are still students.
Blanca will be very grateful for your support.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kathy McCardwell. View original language description.