A loan helped to pay for chicks,feed,drinkers,vaccines,drugs etc.

Ophilia Mankaa's story

She is married and has four children. They live in a five bedroom house at Ntingkag Mankon, Northwest Cameroon. The challenges she has faced are dropping out of school and death of her brother and father.

She was motivated by her friends who are GHAPE members to join GHAPE. She joined GHAPE in the year 2011. She believes she is going to succeed because of the location of her business and her increased capital.

With this new loan request she will pay for more chicks,feed,vaccines,drugs,drinkers and renovate the poultry house. Her products will help the community in providing constant supply of fowls to them and shortening distance to the market. She has successfully borrowed and repaid her loan four times.

She prefers GHAPE loans because they give loans at low interest rates and provide easy repayment schemes.

This loan is special because:

It is coupled with multi-faceted trainings to support the poorest in Cameroon.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details