A loan helped with coffee farming.

Yorleny's story

Yorleny is 36 years old and married. She lives with her husband and children, who are her greatest priority.

With the loan, she intends to buy fertilizer and other products to apply to her coffee crop, and thus have good growth, and to pay labor to apply the products, and help with the crop and the harvest. In this way she will be sure to have good results. She intends to take advantage of the good climate and soil conditions in the area for this crop, and also to put into practice her experience after various years managing coffee [crops]. Also she will be able to buy the best products of best quality so that her plantation will have good growth and health, in addition to an adequate harvest, and in the short term, have significant production.

She wants to use the income that she hopes to have from the harvest for the well-being of her family, to meet some family goals, and to continue investing more in the farm. This is her first loan received from FUDECOSUR. She has not had previous loans in state banks, but FUDECOSUR has given her this loan with better conditions and a much lower interest rate.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural borrowers that are considered too risky for traditional banks.

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