A loan helped to pay her educational fees at the university for a degree in Social Education and to become a teacher.

Ayat's story

Ayat is a 28-years-old from Nablus, West Bank. She is a mother for two daughters and she tries so hard to raise them in best conditions and cover all their needs. Ayat studies Social Education at her local university. She dreams to be a great teacher in the future and help her husband in the family expenses.

Her husband works as a baker where he earns a low income, this income is barely enough for the basic needs of the family. For that, Ayat went to Palestine for Credit and Development FATEN to request a US Dollar loan to pay her educational fees of the university. She hopes you will help and fund her loan.

This loan is special because:

It helps pay for school tuition for students from low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details