A loan helped to buy fishing nets and other supplies.

Mariela's story

Mariela is 27 years old, married, and has a baby. She works in fishing.

His work is carried out on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, known as the highest navigable lake in the world. Mariela works with her husband. They own an outboard motorboat with which they conduct their fishing. The fish they catch of local varieties: "Karachi, Mauri and Pejerrey." These are in high demand in the community and in the city, which helps them to achieve the profitability necessary to cover the expenses of the family. Her husband takes care of the sale, moving one day to the city and the other days in the community, while Mariela cares for their baby.

Their main working tool is fishing nets, however these can get stuck on the lake floor, tangled with algae, and are depleted a bit every day. Their business advantage is that fishing has high demand in the city and in the community, but their current major challenge is that they are low on fishing nets, which causes the business to be paralyzed leaving the family with no income.

Mariela's dream is to have all the necessary tools of work, which is why she wants to buy fishing nets and hooks or baits. The loan will be used in the wholesale purchase of fishing nets and fishing supplies. It is for these reasons that Mariela asks for a loan to buy fishing nets and supplies.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers smooth their income and protect against the effects of climate change.

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Lenders and lending teams

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