A loan helped a member to buy clay in bulk to make pottery.

Divino Niño Jesus Group's story

The group called Divino Niño Jesús is in its sixth cycle in the program of the women's committee. It comprises friends and neighbors in the city of Caacupé. They are female heads of household who do not let themselves be defeated and who fight for their loved ones, to get them ahead so that they lack nothing.

Rufina is one of the members of the committee. She is an artisan who works in clay. She says that she makes all types of pottery in clay and has a diverse clientele that always buys from her. She is known in her area for the good work she does, and in this way, she earns her living and produces the means to help her family.

She requests a loan to buy clay to make handcrafted pitchers and other items. She is very grateful for the opportunity she receives to be able to continue with her sales and to help her loved ones.

In this group: Ermelinda, Hilaria, Rufina, Vidalia, Pablina, Irma, Blanca, Alicia, Carmen, Rocío, Celia, Blasdelina, Rutilla, Rita, Porfiria, Ramona

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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