A loan helped a member to pay for his family's basic living expenses and for his son's travel expenses in finding a job.

Aing Ma Yoe – 1 (C) Group's story

Aing Ma Yoe Village is located in Mahlaing, which is one of the townships in the Mandalay division of Myanmar.

Shown in the photo are Hla, Khin, Khin M, Mar, and Nyein. The second person from the right is Khin, the featured borrower of the group.

Khin is 47 years old and blessed with four children. His family’s primary income comes from agriculture and farming. The family grows sesame, cotton, groundnuts, and pigeon peas.

In order to earn extra income, Khin’s son has decided to migrate to Mandalay and get a job as a cargo worker. Khin will pay for his son’s travel expenses with his loan. In the meantime, some of his loan will be used to pay for his family’s basic expenses until his son is in Mandalay and is able to send money back to the village.

In this group: Khin , Khin M, Mar, Nyein, Hla

This loan is special because:

It increases a young person’s earning potential and improves livelihoods for the whole family.

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