A loan helped to renovate and fence the back play area, to pay for a new, sturdy door for the study area, a jungle gym, and toys.

Lilly's story

Lilly is a 28-year-old mother of two from northern Israel. She received her Bachelor’s degree in behavioral therapy and has opened an after-school care and tutoring center. She worked her way through school and then gained experience at a well-known tutoring center. In 2016 she opened her after- school and tutoring center providing lessons, after-school care, and playtime for children. She is planning on running a summer camp this summer.

The loan assisted in costs for renovating and fencing the back play area, a new, sturdy door for the study area, a jungle gym, and toys.

Lilly wants to grow her business into a full-time study center providing after-school classes and parental training.

This loan is special because:

It's designed to help some of the most marginalized people in Israeli society.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details