A loan helped to buy seeds and expand her horticultural farm.

Margaret's story

Margret is 58 years old and lives in the Bungoma area of Kenya. She’s a widow who has lovely children, and she has raised them alone with much love. After the death of her husband, she took on the whole responsibility of her children.

Margret is very clear about what she wants in life and is determined to get ahead and have a good life. She is a smallholder farmer who owns a small parcel of farmland.

On the farm, she practices mixed farming. This mother keeps dairy animals as well as grows maize and vegetables. She has ten years of experience in farming.

Margret is seeking a loan to buy seeds and expand her horticultural farm. Because of the favorable weather and road conditions, she will have an easy time transporting her horticultural products to the market.

Loans for smallholder farmers with small, irregular income and no solid collateral are hard to come by in Kenya. A few organizations such as Juhudi Kilimo support farmers like Margret. Juhudi Kilimo facilitates loans that empower smallholder farmers like Margret. Her main dreams are to buy a house and pay for the education of her children.

She really counts on your help and understanding. Please support this mother.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details