A loan helped to buy embroidery materials so she can work and provide for her family.

Shpresa's story

Shpresa wants to thank all the lenders for helping her with the previous loan which helped her family very much. She is 35 years old, a mother of six children and lives in the Roma minority community in Kosovo. Her husband provides woodcutting services with his improvised woodcutting machine. He works hard every day to earn enough to sustain his family. Shpresa works from her home making very good embroidery which she sells. With her work she is able to supplement the family income and take care of her children. She is requesting a loan to buy embroidery materials so she can work and provide for her family. She is happy to work and be able to improve her children’s wellbeing!

This loan is special because:

It supports excluded and displaced populations in Kosovo.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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