A loan helped purchase fertilizers.

Vicente's story

Vicente is 55 years old and the father of 4 adult children who have their own families. He currently lives alone in the company of his pets. Vicente grows coffee and bananas. Every day he wakes up at 5am and quietly goes about working without suffocating in the sun.

He harvests bananas every two weeks and sells them at different fairs held throughout the city. He is popular among the other traders, so he ends up selling his products fairly quickly.

During the coffee harvest season, it is best to accumulate as much product as possible and wait for the buyers who already know what they want. Using the “romana en mano” (an instrument used for weighing) he rapidly measures out 12 kilos of coffee beans at a time until he has enough to fill a 60 kilo sack. He usually receives a good price without having to leave the city, so Vicente is very pleased with his efforts.

Vicente is a new client of MFP and therefore has agreed to make his payments on time and participate in all Communal Bank activities. The money he is requesting will be used to purchase chemical fertilizers for his crops.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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