A loan helped .

Limari's story

In 2007, Silka Besosa initiated this farm as a response to her concern with global warming and human health decline. She decided that the best way to become part of the solution was to grow food in a sustainable manner. This way, not only could she produce healthy food, but also help to decrease agricultural gas emissions and increase carbon sequestering in the process.
Silka left this farm active and alive and we work very hard to keep it that way and also do our best to improve everyday.

We see Siembra Tres Vidas as an ecological food oasis within a country that currently suffers a severe food drought.
Puerto Rico could be described as a desert when it comes to food.
About 85% of the food consumed here is imported, and it’s estimated that the current total food supply available on the island would barely last two and a half weeks, if imports were ever to desist. These statistics represent a very real and constant threat to local food security.

Understanding the urgent need for advancing local agriculture and guided by a heartfelt commitment towards developing food sovereignty for future generations, in 2016, we joined efforts to continue this much-needed project. Operating under a cooperative model, all four farmers are now equal owners of the farm.

Since its inception, our project has been invaluable to the local food movement. Not only for providing its community with the healthiest and highest quality produce, but also for our continuous educational work.
We are currently working to expand our operations and maximize our efficiency. Our community needs us and we want to feed as many people as possible.

This loan is special because:

It helps this farm buy a tractor to improve production.

Loan details

About Armonia en la Montaña, Inc.

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: New Business
Website: siembratresvidas.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details