A loan helped to buy seeds, fertilizer to support on her farming business.

Khorl's story

Khorl is a woman who is living in Ratanakiri province and a married mother of five children; two of them are under age of school. Nowadays she has 43 years old.

She is growing cashew and farming cassava as the main sources of income for 10 years. She can save a little income to complement her family’s needs. She has been a member with VisionFund for one loan cycle already and she already paid back the loan.

Because of lacking of capital she is now requesting for a loan via VisionFund. She is wiling her loan to buy seeds, fertilizer and she expect this loan will help expand her business to improve income to support on family’s living.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of people living in financially excluded areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details