A loan helped to buy fertilisers and to pay labour costs to help with his coffee farm.

Rafael Antonio's story

Rafael is 58 years old and married. He has 6 children and lives in a town in the region of Gracias, Lempira. He has always earned a living through agriculture, for approximately 35 years. He harvests coffee as his largest source of income. His coffee production is good quality and he sells it in the area to retailers.

He is asking for an ODEF loan of 20,000 Lempiras to buy fertilisers and pay labour costs to help him with his coffee farm. With this investment, he hopes to provide more help to his crops and achieve a greater coffee production.

His plan is to grow more areas of coffee, to have a prosperous family and increase his production and income for his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase inputs to improve yields on favorable terms.

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