A loan helped a member to pay for improved seed, organic inputs and tractor rental which will allow these farmers to escape subsistence by farming a larger area with a higher yield.

Aminata's Survivors Group's story

Aminata T is a community leader, married with eight children who's husband is the head man in GbomKargbo Village. She is the second person from left she is wearing a gray top. Aminiata and her husband jointly lead this small community, which was hit particularly hard by Sierra Leone's recent Ebola Crisis. Despite their best efforts, Aminata and many of her peers had their farming operations devastated by quarantines and two lost farming seasons. The village is now food insecure and Aminata has organized the best female farmers together to recover from the crisis and help GbombKargbo through a time of great food insecurity. All members of Aminata's Survivors are currently trapped in a cycle of subsistence and have to take extremely high-interest loans for poor quality inputs during planting time. A low interest KIVA loan will therefore enable this group of determined women to get back on their feet and back in business.

In addition to any KIVA loan disbursed to these Farmers, Field Partner Mountain Lion Agriculture (mlbr.org) will also support these farmers with technical advice, equipment rental and market access. With this powerful mix of capital and support, each farmer’s annual net income should grow – organically and sustainably – by at least 250%, while growing a much needed staple food (rice) during a time of great food insecurity in Sierra Leone.

In this group: Aminata, Sallay, Fatmata, Sallay, Rugie, Ramatu, Marie, Ramatu, Isatu, Mabinty, Marie, Zainab

This loan is special because:

It enables farmers to access farm inputs to improve their yield for increased income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details