A loan helped a member to buy shoes at wholesale.

Norteñas Group's story

The communal bank “Norteñas” will start the eight cycle in Pro Mujer, as part of the Focal Center Villa Tejada. It is made up of eight members and is run by a board of directors where Flora is the president.
The loan they will take out will benefit small micro-entrepreneurs where Flora is a member. Currently she has a business selling shoes. She says she learned this business on her own initiative several years ago.
The loan she will take out now will be to increase capital through the purchase of shoes at wholesale that she will get from wholesale vendors in the city of La Paz. Afterwards, she will sell them in her sales spot. This way of work allows her to generate an income to support her family economically, as she is married and has five children.

In this group: Flora Olivia, Paula Janette, Ximena, Acrecia, Valeria, Saturnina, Virginia, Francisca

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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