A loan helped a member to buy seeds and pay for a plowing fee in order to increase crop yields.

Sort's Group's story

Sort is a married mother of six children. She resides in Ek Phnom district of the Battambang province of Cambodia.

To earn a living, she is growing rice and beans. This has been her main source of income for the past ten years. Additionally, her husband helps supplement her income through fishing.

They both can save about $2 each day for their future needs. Since her crops have been threatened by insects, she is not earning as much as before.

To support her farming, she is leading a group of three members to apply for a loan via VisionFund. Sort will use her loan portion to buy seeds and pay for a plowing fee. This is expected to increase the productivity of her crop yields.

She wishes to earn more income to better support her family.

In this group: Sort, Savy, Dane

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details