This loan helps smallholder farmers access financing and agricultural inputs when they most need them. It follows the agricultural cycles of cacao, coffee, fruits, and vegetables and allows farmers access to enough funds to live and work until the next harvesting season.
The disbursement is made in three installments to coincide with key times when financing is necessary. The first 60%, part in-kind farming inputs and part cash, is disbursed upon loan approval. The next 20% is disbursed in cash during the rainy season, when farmers need to employ more laborers. The final 20% is disbursed at the beginning of the school year to help pay school feeds for the farmers’ children. The reimbursement of the loan coincides with the harvest and selling seasons.
By supporting this loan, you are helping Cameroonian farmers to improve their crop yields and send their children to school.
About ACEP Cameroun:
Agence de Cr�dit pour l'Entreprise Priv�e (ACEP) is Kiva's second Field Partner in Cameroon. Founded in 1999, ACEP has developed a strong lending methodology to serve entrepreneurs and farmers across Cameroon.