A loan helped purchase a dairy cow.

Roberto's story

Roberto V. R. lives with his wife and daughter in the community of El Sauce de Teresita de Turrialba in Cartago Province. It is a small rural community of approximately 2000 inhabitants. The residents make their living producing milk or growing coffee. The terrain is quite irregular and is comprised of mostly tropical rain forests. The community has very picturesque views that combine tropical forests with two beautiful lagoons, coffee plantations, and dairy farms. El Sauce is located approximately 1½ hours away by bus from Turrialba, which is the nearest commercial center. However, the roads become impassible several times a year whenever heavy rains hit the area. This is undoubtedly one of the main challenges for the community.

When there is not enough work in the community, many people leave to find jobs in Turrialba or on banana plantations located in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica. Currently the price of coffee and milk has improved, so all of the neighbors seek to invest in projects in the local area to prevent migration.

Don Roberto has spent most of his life producing milk and cheese as a way of generating income for his family. He says he is content with his business because it has enabled him to get ahead. Don Roberto sells his milk to a plant that produces cheese, an entity owned by the El Sauce Association of Milk Producers.

The cheese from the region where Don Roberto lives is famous throughout Costa Rica. It is a fresh cheese that is traditionally known as Turrialba cheese. Ticos (a term that refers to the residents of Costa Rica) enjoy this type of cheese so much that it is served with almost every meal. For this reason, the market for this product is very good.

Don Roberto wishes to obtain a microloan of 500,000 colones to buy another dairy cow so that he can increase his milk production. He knows that having one more cow is a great sacrifice and demands more work. However, the desire to be a successful microentrepreneur will move his family forward and improve their living conditions. These goals are what motivate him to strive with great care and dedication.

Don Roberto is a client of the El Sauce Association of Producers, a member organization of the microfinance cooperative EDESA. This will be his sixteenth loan and he hopes to continue growing personally and financially.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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