A loan helped to purchase 1.3 ha of agriculture land to expand the deal.

Oleg's story

Oleg thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan, which helped him to buy a mini tractor for processing land. Due to this, he was able to decrease the costs of agriculture work and he repaired the fence at the house. But the house also requires a lot of investment.

Oleg is a very ambitious young man and wants to expand his business. For this year, he plans to grows 3 ha of alfalfa and 1.3 ha of wheat. A new loan from Kiva will help Oleg to purchase 1.3 ha of agriculture land. As a result Oleg will have the ability to expand his farm's capacities and will be able to continue the reparation of the house.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details