A loan helped to buy farm inputs.

Everline's story

To purchase a house has always been the dream of Everline, a smallholder farmer who works with a lot of care and perseverance to achieve her objective. Today, she has a farm where she grows crops and raises livestock; she also earns some income from a personal business. Everline never had a formal education and is content with the farming lifestyle.

Since the Bungoma area is a favorable one for farming, Everline is seeking a 10,000 KES loan through Kiva's field partner, Juhudi Kilimo, to buy farm inputs such as fertilizer and seeds. This will enable her to grow more vegetables, reap maximum profits and increase her business.

Being a woman and accessing funds in Kenya, especially around Bungoma, is very challenging, but Everline feels relieved knowing there are institutions such as Kiva that help enterprising women like herself.

Everline is always working to improve her family’s living conditions, but her biggest dreams are to become independent and support her family by herself, secure her children’s future, and buy a home. Everline is so thankful because of the trust and support from this Kiva platform.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details