A loan helped to pay for academic expenses to continue education.

Rajendra's story

Eleven year-old Rajendra got good marks in his last annual exam.

He wants to continue learning as a student in Class 6 in Government High School, Khurda district.

He lives with his parents in a small village of Khurda district, Odisha. His mother is a tailor and the family earns around Rs. 8,000 per month.

Somehow they are able to manage the household expenses from their meager savings.

Now school fees and other expenses will be more and they are not able to pay at one time.

Rajendra’s mother, Mami ( in the picture with her son), has applied for a loan of Rs. 20,000 from Mahashakti Foundation, a field partner of Milaap.

Mami and her family will be thankful to their lenders.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural India to pay for their children's education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details