A loan helped a member to purchase manure, fertilizers and pay for weeding his coffee crop.

G.s. Productor Nueva Vista Group's story

Jose is 57 years old, married, has three children, and lives with his wife and children in the municipality of Morazan, Yoro. He has always worked in agriculture and has had his own crops for over 11 years. He has always harvested corn, beans, and coffee. Currently, his greatest yield and sales is of coffee which he sells in the local market. He asks for his first loan, as a group loan, to purchase manure, fertilizers and pay for weeding his coffee crop and give it good care. His idea is to help his children and continue with coffee growing.

Jose belongs to the group called the Productor Nueva Vista solidarity group, which is formed of 6 members, they all live in the same community and work in agriculture. The group loan is for 66,000 lempiras which they will invest in the purchase of manure, fertilizers and pay for weeding their coffee crops. In the photo they are identified as: from left to right Marlon, Iris, Jose Rufino, Jose Daniel, Jose Santos, and Jose de la Paz.

In this group: Jose Rufino, Marlon Ronal, Jose Daniel, Iris Sagrario, Jose Santos, Jose

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase inputs to improve yields on favorable terms.

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