A loan helped a member to buy thread in a variety of colors, as well as fabric due to high demand for her handmade 'huipiles'.

Orquideas De Santa Maria Group's story

Totonicapán, located in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, is where 10 Kaqchikel ladies have formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Orquideas de Santa Maria”. They learn a great deal about supporting their small businesses (traditional textile production, convenience stores) through the “Microcredit Plus” program of the organization that combines loans + education. Meeting monthly with a Facilitator, the women learn about nutrition, hygiene, health & other topics relevant to themselves & their families. They are happy to be on their 1st loan cycle with KIVA.

Catarina, a single 20 year old mother of a 3 year old son, went to school until the 6th grade.
She has a traditional textile business & embroiders (cross stitch) colorful blouses “huipiles”. Catarina sells her textiles in nearby markets & also takes custom orders. Because of the high demand for her “huipiles”, Catarina is requesting a loan to buy thread in a variety of colors, as well as fabric. As the sole parent of her energetic son, Catarina must work hard to cover the household expenses & save funds for his education.

KIVA investors, partnering with Friendship Bridge, play an important role in the life of Catarina & the ladies in the Trust Bank. Thank you, KIVA investors, for believing in these women. They are stepping into a more prosperous time in their lives with your help!

In this group: Rosa, Cristina, Santa Marta, Ana Maria, Isabel, Catarina, Catarina, Estela Irlanda, Catarina Florinda, Margarita

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details