A loan helped to hire new teachers and purchase course materials for new classes.

Victoria's story

Madame Vicky, as students call her, had a dream of helping young people be prepared to enter the job market. In 2011, with family seed money, Madame Vicky started Datasky College in Arusha, Tanzania. With one small room and four computers, Datasky offered its first course, Introduction to Computers, taught by Madame Vicky herself.

Over the past five years, Datasky grew, bringing on expert teachers and trainers in a variety of fields and earning certificates of excellence in vocational training. In 2016, Datasky enrolled 440 students and is poised to grow more in 2017.

Madame Vicky is requesting a loan to offer more classes in 2017 so that she can meet the market demands. Funding would cover the costs of the new course materials and teacher salaries.

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details