A loan helped to pay for manual labor to clear land and to purchase crop maintenance supplies.

Valery's story

Valery is a 30-year-old man, unmarried, and without children, but he has his nephews to support. After primary school, he decided to devote himself to the cacao field he inherited from his father. Thanks to this field, he manages to meet family needs.

He puts all his energy into maintaining his field and dreams of better harvests. For this, he needs to have crop maintenance supplies on time in order to avoid insects and plant diseases, as well as to be able to clear land for planting.

So he is requesting this loan to clear his plantation and purchase fungicides on time, thus avoiding loan sharks, who often take a good part of his harvest. The money from his sales will enable him to expand his plantation, pay his nephew’s schooling costs, and meet the needs of his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It gives farmers access to crucial financing when they need it the most.

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